A Life Coach is like a Personal Trainer for the mind!

Hi, I’m Jacqui.

Like so many of us, I have had hurdles and setbacks throughout my life. Some I have dealt with well and others have taken longer to reconcile. One thing I can say though, is that I always knew it would eventually get better; that life has its high moments and low dips, and that we are defined by how we handle those difficult times. What are we without hope? 

My Story So Far...

In 2019, I found myself married for the third time, working as a teacher in a London school with a good salary, stability, and a home of my own. On the outside, all seemed perfect but, on the inside, I felt lonely, isolated, and lost. I had no work-life balance. I was stressed and my marriage was suffering. Something had to change. I knew that helping others would take me away from my own situation. If I had the resilience to face the pressures of work, and then come home to a difficult situation, I knew I had the strength to support others who had experienced abuse, or who simply needed to value themselves and grow in strength. So, I trained with Shine Hillsong UK, a programme which empowers women to realise their worth, strength and purpose. I knew that I too was at a big crossroads in my own life. I needed to make a change personally and professionally. While giving others the tools to make positive steps to self-worth, I started to make similar changes in my own life.

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Roads are for journeys, not destinations.

My Style Of Coaching

As your life coach, I will encourage you to be self-reflective and honest. I will listen to your story and discuss your goals, motivate you to change habits that have restricted your growth, and celebrate each moment of success along the way. 

Having experienced so many life lessons myself, I understand most situations and how difficult it is to take that initial step to make a change. I am proof that it can be done. Whatever stage you are at and whatever journey you are on, I will be there to support you and cheer you on. I will actively listen and help you to discover what is within you to make positive transformations, find your purpose, follow your dream, live your best life, and become empowered, fulfilled and happy. Remember, you have all the answers within!

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A Recent Testimonial

Jacqui has been my life coach for a while now. I’ve had trouble with different areas of my life recently but Jacqui helped make things clearer for me. She introduced me to The Wheel of Life, which I filled in and later discussed with her. Once the wheel is completed, you can see which areas of your life need working on and possibly changing. It really made me realise that certain aspects of my life weren’t as fulfilling; it was a real eye-opener.

I began working on improving these areas together with Jacqui. I began looking after myself more and finding time for self-care. I also began saying affirmations and mantras to help me along the way. I created a vision board of how I wanted my future to look. This enabled me to make some important decisions in order to be on the right path. Jacqui listens and offers practical advice that is achievable. She made me feel comfortable about opening up and being honest. She is accepting, supportive and most of all, doesn’t judge.

Jacqui helped me to realise that there are positives in my life and that I can work on my negative beliefs. I feel stronger and have more self-belief and confidence in my decisions. I now feel positive and excited about the future and the endless possibilities life has to offer!

Thank you Jacqui.

A very happy client.

